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LIEN...Tous nos cours collectifs

Equipements and hours

Since 2003, the Human ‘Art Pilates studio in offers the original method inspired by Joseph Pilates, targeted for all, in private lessons, semi-private lessons and group lessons.

For years, the well-kept training of dancers and athletes, Pilates is now recognized as a lifestyle.

This is a preventive health therapy that transforms the body into strength, power and flexibility. This method is accessible to everyone, according to your objectives and
characteristics. It’s a safe learning curve throughout their life.
Group Lessons - three levels - Session 55'.
Classes: 6 people maxi.

* Monday 9:15: N2-3 P. Gainage
* Tuesday 9:30:  N1-2 P. Back and Gainage
* Wednesday 9:30:  N1-2 P. Souplesse
* Monday 18:15 : N1-2 P.Classic
* Tuesday 18:30: N2 - Evolution
* Wednesday 19:00: N3 Training

* Abo 10 séances: 320:Frs.- 

Studies and AVS: 

* Abo 10 séances: 290 Frs.-

Private Lessons

The participant will be coached with specific objectives and realistic. The successful completion of 10 private sessions is suitable preparation to join the level 1.

Hours: By appointment

*1 séance/120 Frs.-                           *Abo 10 séances/1'200 Frs.-
*1séance/50 Frs.- 1/2 hour for the base.      

Semi-Private Lessons


* Séance 120 Frs.-     *Abo 10 séances: 1'200 Frs.-

5 ou 10  séances de 1/2 heure.

* Séance  50 Frs.- 1/2 heure pour MAJ et, rejoindre un cours collectif.


2 to 4 people with the opportunity to have lessons at your home.

Hours: by appointment

All courses are directed with extreme vigilance, precision, and close ness of teacher. The original method we practice is based foremost on safety     




our room is equiped of "stotts pilates"

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